- asset allocation
- размещение, распределение активов (в пенсионных фондах)
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
Asset allocation — is a term used to refer to how an investor distributes his or her investments among various classes of investment vehicles (e.g., stocks and bonds). A large part of financial planning is finding an asset allocation that is appropriate for a given … Wikipedia
Asset-Allocation — Die asset allocation (englisch) bzw. Anlageaufteilung oder Portfolio Strukturierung von Geldanlagen bezeichnet die Art der Aufteilung (Diversifikation) des angelegten Vermögens auf verschiedene Anlageklassen wie z. B. Anleihen, Aktien, Immobilien … Deutsch Wikipedia
Asset Allocation — Die asset allocation (englisch) bzw. Anlageaufteilung oder Portfolio Strukturierung ist die Aufteilung (Diversifikation) eines angelegten Vermögens auf verschiedene Anlageklassen wie z. B. Anleihen, Aktien, Immobilien und Währungen.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Asset Allocation — An investment strategy that aims to balance risk and reward by apportioning a portfolio s assets according to an individual s goals, risk tolerance and investment horizon. The three main asset classes equities, fixed income, and cash and… … Investment dictionary
asset allocation — Eng. allocazione degli investimenti Prima fase della gestione di un fondo o di un portafoglio. In questa fase vengono selezionate le categorie di attività finanziarie nelle quali investire. Si scelgono le quote di investimento nei diversi… … Glossario di economia e finanza
asset allocation — allocation of funds into different types of assets (i.e. stocks, fixed income investments, real estate, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
Asset Allocation Fund — A mutual fund that provides investors with a portfolio of a fixed or variable mix of the three main asset classes stocks, bonds and cash equivalents in a variety of securities. Some asset allocation funds maintain a specific proportion of asset… … Investment dictionary
asset allocation decision — The decision regarding how an institution s funds should be distributed among the major classes of assets ( asset classes) in which it may invest. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Asset Allocation — The process of distributing investment funds among different kinds of assets, such as stocks, bonds and cash, to achieve the highest expected returns for the lowest possible risk … Financial and business terms
asset allocation — / æset æləˌkeɪʃ(ə)n/ noun the work of deciding how much money should be spent on the purchase of different types of investment, such as growth units or income units, depending on the particular needs of the individual investor … Dictionary of banking and finance
Dynamic asset allocation — is a strategy used by investment products such as hedge funds, mutual funds, credit derivatives, index funds, principal protected notes (also known as guaranteed linked notes) and other structured investment products to achieve exposure to… … Wikipedia